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How Long Is Rhinoplasty Recovery?

The normal rhinoplasty recovery time is between six and eight weeks. There are a number of activities which should be avoided for all or some of this recovery period, including driving, sex and going to the gym or other vigorous exercise.

Tagged: Facial Treatments

Author: Mr. Bryan Mayou, MB ChB FRCS

Date: 26th February 2021

Medically Reviewed by:  Mr. Bryan Mayou (GMC: 1414396)

Last reviewed: 12th August 2024

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure which reshapes, corrects or reconstructs the nose to make it more aesthetically pleasing or to address functional concerns such as breathing difficulties, snoring or sleep apnoea. It is one of the five most popular cosmetic surgery procedures carried out in the UK and one of the most popular surgeries that we offer here at the Cadogan Clinic for both men and women.

Rhinoplasty takes place under general anaesthetic, and the procedure usually takes 1-3 hours.

Patients are often curious to understand the details of Rhinoplasty recovery, and it is important to know what to expect and understand what Rhinoplasty healing time looks like so you can prepare ahead of your surgery.  

What Will Happen Straight After My Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Immediately following your procedure, you can expect to spend around 2-3 hours recovering in our dedicated ambulatory recovery rooms. During this time our nurses will monitor your temperature, blood pressure and heart rate, and make sure you have something to eat and drink.  

When you wake up from your procedure, you will have dressings around your nose, including a plastic or plaster splint to support and protect your nose. This can take a few days to get used to, but most patients find it doesn’t impede their normal activities.

Once our team are happy that your initial recovery is complete, you will be allowed to leave with a friend or family member to recover in the comfort of your own home. 

Rhinoplasty Recovery Timeline

The normal Rhinoplasty recovery time is around 6-8 weeks. However, it is important to understand what you can expect at each stage of Rhinoplasty recovery. Rhinoplasty recovery timelines are typically similar regardless of the specific technique employed by your surgeon, however there is increasing evidence that ultrasonic rhinoplasty recovery time is faster as less bruising and swelling is involved.  Your surgeon will discuss with you how long is recovery from Rhinoplasty during your consultation to ensure you understand what to expect and how you will need to prepare.

Days 1-3 After Surgery

In the first few days of your recovery, you can expect to feel some discomfort and it is likely that your nose will feel slightly blocked – like you have a cold. This is due to the swelling and stitches within your nose making it slightly harder to breathe. Your nose will also still be swollen and you may have some bruising around your nose, cheeks and eyes.

It is normal for your nose to bleed occasionally, in the first few days following your Rhinoplasty. You will have a gauze dressing placed under your nose to help with this and our nurses will have provided you with any extra dressing you may need to keep your surgical site clean.

Most people find that the pain following Rhinoplasty is manageable, but you will have been given any painkillers you need to help control discomfort. 

1 Week After Surgery

A week after your Rhinoplasty surgery, you will have your first follow-up appointment with our nurses. They will remove your dressings, including the splint that has been supporting and protecting your nose and will replace it with surgical tape to protect your incisions. They will also remove any sutures you have in place.

You will still be experiencing swelling and your nose will appear undefined, but any bruising will be starting to resolve.

At this stage, you can expect to be able to return to work comfortably and undertake day-to-day activities. 

2-3 Weeks After Surgery

Over the next couple of weeks, the swelling will begin to go down but will still be present. At this stage, you can expect the bruising to have healed.

During your 1 week follow-up appointment, our nurses will have explained how to tape your nose after Rhinoplasty, and when you can remove the tape completely. If you have any questions, you will be able to call them directly on our 24 hour recovery and aftercare phone line. 

1 Month After Surgery

A month after your Rhinoplasty, you will notice that the swelling has subsided further and your bruising has healed entirely. You will be able to see the results of your Rhinoplasty starting to appear.

You will be able to sleep lying flat again, although you will need to continue sleeping on your back as much as possible. 

6 Weeks After Surgery

You will have a follow-up appointment with your surgeon 6 weeks after your procedure. They will examine your nose and discuss your recovery and results.

At this stage you will be able to resume exercise and should be able to sleep normally. If this is not the case, your surgeon will discuss a different recovery timeline with you. 

3 Months After Surgery

3 months into your Rhinoplasty recovery, your nose will feel normal again. You may still not be able to see your final results as a modest amount of swelling may still remain. Rhinoplasty swelling can take a long time to subside entirely, and your surgeon will explain that patience is required for the final results to show.

You will be able to undertake all of your usual activities at this stage, and your life will be back to normal. 

6-12 Months After Surgery

Between 6 and 12 months after your Rhinoplasty procedure, the final swelling will have resolved. The exact timing will depend on the procedure that you had and how your body heals. Once this final swelling has gone down and the shape of your nose has settled, you will be able to see your final Rhinoplasty results. 

Dos and Don’ts After Rhinoplasty

During your initial consultation, your surgeon will discuss your Rhinoplasty aftercare instructions and nose job recovery time. This allows you enough time to prepare and understand what to expect. It is important to follow these instructions and understand why they are important to achieve your desired results and avoid complications. By adhering to these instructions, you can expect to recover in 6-8 weeks.  

What You Should Do After Your Rhinoplasty

  • Rest - Straight after your rhinoplasty it is important to rest to allow your body to recover and heal following surgery. Most patients rest fully for around 3-5 days, but it is important to take your rhinoplasty recovery day by day and not rush into anything too soon. The first days are usually the worst during nose job recovery as your healing has just started. 
  • Adjust your sleeping position - Your surgeon will ask you to prop yourself up with pillows and sleep slightly upright for the first few days following your rhinoplasty. This will help to reduce any swelling. After this point, you will need to avoid sleeping on your side for up to 6 weeks to prevent any pressure being placed on your nose. 
  • Maintain a healthy diet - Your body will use a lot of energy while it is recovering and healing after nose surgery. Eating plenty of nutritious food will allow the healing process to be faster and you may find you are able to speed up your rhinoplasty recovery and go back to certain activities sooner (with approval from your surgeon). You should also avoid drinking alcohol for a few weeks. Alcohol increases the inflammation in your body, so will slow your healing time down. Your surgeon and our specialist nurses will advise when you can start drinking alcohol again. 
  • Gentle massages - Your surgeon may ask you to gently massage your nose, starting a few weeks after surgery. This will help to encourage healing and prevent stiffness during your nose job recovery. Your surgeon and our specialist nurses will demonstrate how to massage your nose after your Rhinoplasty surgery.  

What Not to Do After Rhinoplasty

  • Blow your nose - Your nose will feel very blocked and stuffy following your Rhinoplasty, but it is important to not blow your nose, so you don’t disturb your surgeon’s adjustments. Your surgeon will let you know when you will be able to blow your nose after your procedure. 
  • Sneeze - Again to prevent your nose being disturbed during healing after nose surgery, you should sneeze through your mouth rather than your nose. This can be difficult to get used to and your surgeon may ask you to practise ahead of your surgery. 
  • Strenuous exercise - You must avoid exercise and heavy lifting for up to 8 weeks to allow your nose to heal. Your surgeon will explain when you will be able to workout again. 
  • Driving - You shouldn’t drive for up to 2 weeks following rhinoplasty. Please speak with your insurance company as some policies ask you not to drive for longer following a surgical procedure.  
  • Flying - Your surgeon will advise how long you need to avoid flying for following your Rhinoplasty. Flying can increase your risk of blood clots which can be very dangerous, so it is important to follow these instructions. Most patients are asked not to fly for at least 4 weeks after their procedure. 
  • Wear Glasses – You are advised not to wear glasses in the first few days and weeks during your nose operation recovery, or put any form of pressure whatsoever on the recovering nasal bridge 

Which Activities Should I Restrict During My Nose Job Recovery?

In order to ensure a swift nose job recovery time, there are certain activities that patients should avoid.

Patients are reasonably mobile within 48 hours of the surgery, but we would advise total rest for the first few days of Rhinoplasty recovery. Driving should be avoided until two weeks post-surgery. We recommend avoiding UV light, for example using sunbeds, for two to four weeks following rhinoplasty as this can impact upon scarring.

Restricted sexual activity can be resumed after four weeks but vigorous exercise, including going to the gym, should be completely avoided until six weeks during nose operation recovery.

If a patient follows these instructions, we would anticipate a full nose surgery recovery time between six and eight weeks. 

Does Rhinoplasty Hurt?

Most patients find that Rhinoplasty does not hurt. There may be some level of discomfort immediately following the procedure, but pain levels will be modest and are usually easily treated with over-the-counter painkillers.

You are more likely to experience other side effects during Rhinoplasty recovery, rather than pain. Common symptoms during recovery after nose job include a blocked or stuffy nose, and you will need to breathe through their mouth for a week or so. Other side effects include a stiff and numb nose and soreness, swelling and bruising around the eyes, if the nasal bones have been fractured as part of your surgery. 

You may experience some bleeding from the nostrils overnight, or for a longer period if the septum or turbinate's have required treatment. It is also normal to have some bruising or swelling around your eyes, this usually subsides within 10 days following your surgery. 

Nose reshaping surgery can sometimes result in permanent breathing difficulty, damage to the cartilage wall between the nostrils, an altered sense of smell or heavy nosebleeds. However, these issues are not common. Your surgeon will explain how likely these risks and complications are, how they would be treated if they occur and how you can reduce your personal risk. 

Please be aware that Rhinoplasty is a complex surgical procedure and roughly 1 in 10 patients will require either further surgery or Rhinoplasty revision surgery.  

What Recovery Support Does Cadogan Clinic Provide?

We have invited a selection of the country's very best Rhinoplasty surgeons to practise with us at the Cadogan Clinic so that you can be sure that whatever your nose concerns you will be seeing one of the top surgeons in the UK. 

As we are London’s leading specialist cosmetic surgery centre of excellence, the Cadogan Clinic also offers superior, comprehensive Rhinoplasty aftercare advice to help aid your recovery time. 

Our nursing team provides a dedicated 24/7 on-call service during your nose job healing time – whatever your question, they will be able to help and support you. 

To find out more about Rhinoplasty at the Cadogan Clinic, please get in touch to organise a bespoke consultation with one of our specialists. 

Words From Our Founder

Mr. Bryan Mayou

Rhinoplasty recovery requires patience to allow for the best results. Following post-operative instructions as closely as possible is key to prevent complications and achieve the desired results. Rest, proper wound care, and avoiding strenuous activities are crucial during the initial healing phase. With 24/7 guidance and support from our specialist nursing team, patients can navigate the recovery process with confidence.
Mr. Bryan Mayou

Frequently Asked Questions

It is important to avoid blowing your nose for 2-3 weeks following Rhinoplasty. This can lead to your nose feeling slightly blocked, but our specialist nurses will show you how to clean your nose to reduce this and ensure you are comfortable.

We recommend avoiding vigorous exercise and working out until 6 weeks after your Rhinoplasty surgery. Your surgeon will let you know if this timeframe is different. Exercising too soon after surgery can slow down your healing after nose surgery and may lead to concerns such as seroma or haematoma which may require further medical treatment. 

It is best to avoid drinking alcohol for at least 2 weeks after your Rhinoplasty. Drinking alcohol can affect blood flow and also increase inflammation which may impact the healing process. 

Straight after your Rhinoplasty, your nose is very delicate and will be at its most delicate for up to 10 days following surgery. During this time, you will be wearing a splint to protect and support your nose. As your nose operation recovery progresses, your nose will become less delicate and will feel back to normal within 8 weeks.

For the first 3-4 weeks after Rhinoplasty surgery, you will need to sleep on your back, slightly propped up. This is to prevent fluid from collecting around your nose and increasing swelling. After this time, you will need to continue sleeping on your back for another couple of weeks – up to 6 weeks after your Rhinoplasty. Once you have been signed off by your surgeon, you will be able to sleep on your side. 

Although most people find Rhinoplasty Recovery unpainful, it is normal to experience some discomfort. The worst day of Rhinoplasty recovery is usually within the first week, before the stitches and splint have been removed and your nose feels stuffy or blocked. Once the stitches are taken out, it is easier to breathe comfortably, and your nose will feel more normal. 

Your splint will be removed by our specialist nursing team 7-10 days after your surgery. It is important to keep your splint on for as long as your surgeon recommends as this will support and protect your nose in the early healing stages when it is most fragile. 

We do not recommend removing your splint at home, yourself. Our specialist nurses have been trained to remove the splint and will be able to do this without causing any damage to your nose or impeding your recovery. Removing your splint too early may lead to injury which may impact your final results. 

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